So my club this week voted on whether to adopt and implement a course renovation (the mast plan, which was developed by Keith Foster, called for tree removal, bunker rebuilds, irrigation improvement and reclamation of lost fairway lines). Unfortunately, the renovation was not approved. My sense is that the older members were responsible for the failed vote. Whether because they didn't want to pay for it or because they are reluctan to take out their favorite trees, they opposed the renovation. I think that the failure to renovate is going to lead to a slow death of the club. Younger prospective members aren't likely to choose to join because there are other options.
My question is, what should I do? Part of me wants to quit, partly out of frustration and in part to make a statement that if the old guys wan to bury their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the need for the renovation, then they need to see that their action will lead to younger members like me to bail. Am I over-reacting?