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Grant Saunders

"Powerthirst" Golf Courses and Features
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:05:27 AM »
First, if you dont know what "Powerthirst" is, please watch the following clip:

Man often feels the need to impose his will upon things and stamp his mark. It is an almost inevitable conclusion that at some point things will be taken to the extreme.

A lot of time is spent on this board discussing courses and features and how well they blend in to their surroundings or reflect nature.

With this in mind, lets have some examples of some "Powerthirst" courses and features where the complete opposite has been the goal. Accompanying photos would be greatly appreciated.

This thread is not about weather or not you like such examples but just some harmless fun showing how far people will go given the chance.

I have no idea where this hole is. I found the photo on the golfcourseshapers facebook page

The following is apparently a shaper demonstrating his expertise at operating an excavator (also from golfcourseshapers)


Re: "Powerthirst" Golf Courses and Features
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 06:58:12 AM »

Guess you fellows down in NZ are not familiar with Jim Engh.

Grant Saunders

Re: "Powerthirst" Golf Courses and Features
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2012, 06:14:32 PM »

I have seen Jims name mentioned on here from time to time but never really looked into it properly. I have vague recollection of pictures of some amazingly bold stuff and seem to vaguely remember his name associated with it in some way.

Clearly as a model, extreme earthmoving and pushing things to the max isnt sustainable but it has its place in small doses. It may stem from my fascination with watching programs that feature the biggest of things like earthmoving equipment, planes, ships etc.

This thing is very cool but there isnt the need or demand for them everywhere
