Setting aside the increasingly distasteful peripheral elements of the competition, a lot of it media fueled, I do find the team match play format far more interesting than any individual stroke play tournament. Which leads me to comment on the statement "golf is an individual sport."
Indeed, it seems to have evolved to that point, in American golf anyway. For the majority of golfers the most familiar golf is medal play. We see it on TV every weekend. Our handicap system encourages the posting of a score for every round. Mark Chaplin mentions the predominance of the pencil and scorecard. Our golf has become man vs. the course and the final outcome is a score. Any type of round that doesn't involve keeping a tally on that total number is unfamiliar and largely scorned.
But the true origins and perhaps even the spirit of the game lie in a social, match play setting and for at least once a year, the team events like the Ryder Cup and President's Cup shift the focus from the familiar stroke play format. Beyond the personal joy I get from watching a team match play event, I also see the educational value it has in at least introducing the concept to the "masses." It never fails that a conversation about the Ryder Cup, even with experienced golfers, will bring up questions like "what does that mean, 3&2?"
Unfortunately, the elements surrounding the actual matches are detracting from the event. The overemphasized partisanship, rowdy fans, etc. turn it more into a football match.