Personally, I'd go anywhere if I can fit it into the schedule, England, Ireland, Scotland, France....
However, I see there is a need to promote your local venues so I will give a couple more strong arguments for The Netherlands (Holland).
British pound high, dollar high - euro low. Not that you fellas are in need of watching pennies or pence a smart investor plays the currencies in their favor while they can.
Logistics - all cheap airlines fly into Amsterdam. US airlines fly direct into Amsterdam in most cases. Courses are 20 minutes from the airport (Noordwijkse, Kennemer, Royal Hague). Ryanair even flies into Eindhoven (1.5 hour drive to Noordwijk/Amsterdam)
Accommodation choices may be either Amsterdam (30 minutes from the courses) or Noordwijk aan Zee (which is a beach town). Noordwijk aan Zee is 10 minutes from Noordwijk and 30 minutes from Kennemer. (20 from Royal Hague).
Cuisine (while I'm sure it can be argued in some circles, nothing beats haggis or other high end island cuisine) - The Netherlands is going to blow away any of the competition I've seen in this area. (I'll personally make sure of that). That being said as I've already shared with Ally the best food I've ever had at a golf course in the UK or Ireland was at Carne.
Adult beverages - Heineken, Amstel, jenever, Hoogaarden, Wiekse Witte, Duvel, Ketel 1 and whatever imports that may interest you.
Non-golf entertainment - hard to beat Amsterdam I suppose (although I sure this would not be of interest to many) Always nice to combine great golf and architecture with some mild site seeing.
Links and heathland options. Great play for extra days.
Option to throw in Belgium as well. Although not worth the drive and commute for a short trip to NL in my opinion as there is enough great courses here close by.