Heres a UK view. We have 27 buggies, rarely do we get them all out and our MEMBERS get them for £8 whilst our VISITORS get them for £20. Hardly any of our members take them they are WALKERS, so its never really a cost issue. They dont really do any course damage, though I am about to tag them and |Geo-Fence| protect certain areas, I reckon they make enough to pay for 2 greenkeepers, fuel is the biggest cost, I do have 8 Electric ones that are cheaper to run but they are a bit of a worry that they are not always properly charged and will break down. As an overview they are a decent earner and I think a balance is fine of walkers, riders and push cart users (we have 30 and charge £3). I would say Cart use is growing with the younger ones and people are living longer and playing too, within 20 years most clubs will have playing members that are 100 years old, these new knees, hips, stents and drugs have got a lot to answer, the biggest problem may be remembering which way the course goes.