One of my favorite holes in the area is this one:,-91.474083&spn=0.001631,0.002433&t=h&z=19&lci=com.panoramio.allIt's a par three of 185 yards from the back tee on the bottom of the screen to the green on the top. I really wish you could see the topography here since it is pretty neat, but I'll try to describe it. It plays quite steeply downhill, maybe a 50 foot drop. The short grass in front of the green falls away and to the right, and the green itself has two tiers roughly divided in the middle with the front half several feet higher than the back and also falling away from you. The back half is fairly level. If you miss the green to the sides your ball may be 3-4 feet below the level of the green in the front right, increasing to 10-15 feet below your feet on either side or behind on that lower back tier.
This hole typically plays with the wind, and because of that, the fact you're hitting a short iron from the top of a ridge to a landing area that runs away from you it is quite difficult to land your ball on the front half of the green and keep it there if the greens are even somewhat firm, so you want to land it short and a bit left. But don't pull it, or you'll find that little stand of trees.
It's also pretty nasty when the wind turns around, because hitting 185 off the top of a ridge exposed to the wind to a green that looks awfully damn narrow with the falloffs on either side makes one a bit twitchy on the tee. Or at least it does me!
This is not a hole that will lead to a lot of big numbers, but it is a good round wrecker that can give you a quick double without having to hit any really bad shots. Coming after another nasty par 3 and a long par 5 played into the wind to a crazy green, it is sort of the "Amen Corner" of this course...
I tried multiple times to embed the image but I guess I can't remember how anymore. Can someone refresh my memory?