It was the 1974 induction ceremony for the grand opening of the Hall of Fame - which was behind the 4th green of No. 2 Course. This was Ford's first notable appearance after Watergate - a month after taking office. The handlers told him that it was not a politically astute move having golf be his first appearance after pardoning Nixon. He told them he was definitely going. When they asked him why he said "I want to meet Ben Hogan".
Having the president there was slightly interesting but the important part of the day is that I got the chance to have my photo taken with Hogan, Snead, Sarazen, Nicklaus, Player and the same one photograph. There's a tragic element of the story because I'm largely obscured by Jack Nicklaus in the photo. Being my one and only chance to be photographed with these guys makes Jack's faux pas rather unforgivable. I've tried to extract an apology from Mr. Nicklaus for years but it's apparent he does not consider it a matter worthy of such. So, that will just have to be one of those unfortunate episodes we'll just have to live with and carry on.
What makes it even more painful for me is that my brother is clearly shown in the photo with these titans. He has a haughty attitude toward the matter which I don't appreciate and finds it amusing that for all my interest in antiquity
he was the one who ended up with a photo that could be boasted about. Well, it's probably just as well that you can only see part of my striped shirt behind the inconsiderate Mr. Nicklaus. If I had been clearly displayed there is no doubt I would have tormented what few friends I have with innumerable recounts of the day.
The blonde haired kid bottom left in the Carolina Basketball School shirt would be my brother.