Here are some 5th holes – or that is how they are labelled. They could be wrongly labelled, of course, and we’ve seen with Rungsted that they need not be UK courses, but most will be! Where these courses have already been identified I take the misery out of it by acknowledging that.

This could be one of two places I played on consecutive frosty, winter mornings and both allowed full play on the greens – no temporaries.

I rather suspect that this might be the island hole in the middle of the River Wharfe at Ilkley, but I’m prepared to be over-ruled.

Is it Rungsted, is it Sherwood Forest (both already identified) ir is it somewhere else? I’m genuinely ignorant.

I’m going to stick my neck out and suggest that this is the same Cheshire course that I indicated I need to return to in the posting of 4th holes, but I should have thought this was the 6th, not the 5th…..

The island in the background should give this course away if you don’t recognise the hole itself.

I’ve already identified this course in my wrap up of first holes – I think, I could be wrong!

Still waiting to drive on the 5th on Sunningdale Old. That was a long time ago. I could drive safely now, with no danger to those in front!

Royal West Norfolk at Brancaster has already been identified. This was taken on a glorious late afternoon in July some years ago. I had given a duet recital in the early afternoon in Brancaster church and the fee was minimal, but the festival organiser was able to also arrange for me to play Brancaster with a member after the concert. I had played the course several times before, but I have never played with anyone who played and walked so quickly. We were round in 2 hours 15 minutes – OK, giving putts – as I knew I had a long drive home afterwards. We didn’t look for lost golf balls, either – I probably lost half a dozen balls.

This course has already been identified, but I’ll not spoil the fun just yet….

Is this the green of I looking back whence it came or is it ….? Genuine question.

The notice in the background of the second picture points to a long walk over a bridge to the next tee. This course has been seen in earlier posts but not yet identified.

I have done a digital photo tour of this course on GCA, one of only three such clubs in England.