Do you have a price range?
The Canon s95 and s100 are very high-quality in a very small package, but quite expensive $350-$400. The quite new Canon SX 260HS is slightly larger (I'd call it traditional point-and-shoot size) for under $300. Both of these fall on the high end, of course; you can find good ones for much less, depending on your needs/wishes. Most better cameras will allow you to set the "white balance" for different situations: indoor, sunny, cloudy, shade... That may be a feature you want to look for. That said, cloudy skies make for "flat" low-contrast landscapes, though they can be excellent for classic portraits.
I recommend a site called dpreview for their reviews and dozens of enthusiast forums for different brands and (for Canon, Nikon, and Sony) different categories within the brand. Online stores that are highly regarded -- with countless user reviews -- are Adorama and B & H Photo.
My apologies if you know all this stuff. I actually don't have a good point-and-shoot, but for months I've been researching something to complement my high-end fancy camera.