While Kemper hasn't had the role it did at Bandon from the outset, I don't think saying they've had no role at Cabot is quite accurate. Ben (or Ran) could speak to that better than any. If Mike K.'s coming on board didn't at least have some Kemper discussion regarding assisting in operations, that would be surprising. My take is that there has been some limited participation by Kemper at some point, but the profile was/is super low and more of an advisory or consulting-related nature.
Not having visited Highlands Links or Keltic Lodge yet, it's difficult to discern what the hotel attached to the course lease proposition would yield. There is no question the asset(hotel) has suffered from decades of deferred maintenance, and without significant government funding, no operator with a brain would touch it as the season is too short to recoup that investment if it were single-source funded. To date, they've thrown small amounts of money at trying to put lipstick on an aging pig with predictable results.
Canada's government needs to: partner with a commited entity for the long haul, help fund a proper, well-executed restovation of the hotel, continue the course improvements being made under Ian's superb direction, solidly market, and then celebrate the rebirth of one of Canada's most treasured destinations. Anything less is a serious mistake, for both the country and the region. Few locales, worldwide, can touch the arresting beauty the combination of Highlands Links, Keltic Lodge and that area offers. I hope the right path is chosen.