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Jason Thurman

Pinehurst Trip
« on: August 20, 2012, 11:43:11 AM »
I'm looking at a potential last-minute Pinehurst trip in the next month. A few questions for the board:

1. What's the deal with No. 2? What's the green fee? Any red tape? I'm having a hard time finding rate details on their website unless I do a package and stay at the lodge, which I'm really not interested in if avoidable.

2. Let's assume No. 2 is a given. What other area courses are can't miss? I assume Dormie Club simply because it'll be private eventually, maybe. How do you choose between the rest?
"There will always be haters. That’s just the way it is. Hating dudes marry hating women and have hating ass kids." - Evan Turner

Some of y'all have never been called out in bold green font and it really shows.


Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 11:48:20 AM »


I'd play #2, Dormie, Pine Needles and Mid Pines.  Also Forest Creek North if you can get access.  #2 won't be cheap, but it's well worth it IMO.
Golf is a game. We play it. Somewhere along the way we took the fun out of it and charged a premium to be punished.- - Ron Sirak

Nigel Islam

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 11:49:56 AM »
I was under the impression that you have to stay at the lodge. There is an upcharge to the packages with #2, but really the rates are not that terrible. I played there last fall and I really enjoyed the #3 course which was like $35 extra for my package as an add on. I think #4 & #8 are comparable. I played #8, but I wish I had played Southern Pines or Pine Needles. If you have not played #2 you will love it. One of my all time favorite golf experiences.

Kevin Lynch

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 12:04:04 PM »
Will it just be you or a group of guys?  I've found that Southern Pines is a great course to visit if you have a wide variety of handicaps.  It's short enough to not beat up your higher handicappers, but interesting enough to make it worth the trip for better sticks.

I'd definitely recommend Dormie without a doubt.  If you do go there, send a PM to Cory Lewis, since he caddies there.

And I'd always recommend Tobacco Road at least once, just so you can see what all the discussion is about.  You may love it or hate it, but you'll always remember it.


Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 12:20:00 PM »
#2 is the only course on the resort property that I think is worth playing. You should be able to call the shop and make a tee time. It's expensive but worth it, especially in its current form.

Other than #2...I would check out Pine Needles, Tobacco Road, Dormie, Mid Pines, and Southern Pines. I would also try calling Forest Creek to see if you can get on there as well...both courses are great, but I like the North a little bit better...a great place to spend a day playing 36.

You have to stay in the Pine Crest Inn. Have breakfast every morning at the Track. There's not much going on at night in Pinehurst, but Southern Pines has some fun bars and late night activities.

Enjoy, it's an awesome place to be if you're a golf nut.


Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2012, 01:27:54 PM »
I'm looking at a potential last-minute Pinehurst trip in the next month. A few questions for the board:

1. What's the deal with No. 2? What's the green fee? Any red tape? I'm having a hard time finding rate details on their website unless I do a package and stay at the lodge, which I'm really not interested in if avoidable.

2. Let's assume No. 2 is a given. What other area courses are can't miss? I assume Dormie Club simply because it'll be private eventually, maybe. How do you choose between the rest?

If it were me I would try to play Dormie Club and Tobacco Road.  Mid-Pines, S Pines and Pine Needles are much of a muchness in terms of quality.  I would look for who has the best price as all are a dear for their quality.  Because of the pricing, I would look into Forest Creek, but I wouldn't bend over backwards for a game or pay more than the other three Pines.  

I know everyone pushes for staying in Pinehurst, but I think Southern Pines is a better town with more happening - no resort feel which is a good thing.  The Jefferson Inn is quite good.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2012, 01:30:01 PM by Sean Arble »
New plays planned for 2025: Wentworth Edinburgh, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Mac Plumart

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2012, 01:33:26 PM »
I think Tobacco Road is a must-see.  You may not end up liking it (or you may LOVE it), but it is unique enough that you should check it out.
Sportsman/Adventure loving golfer.

David Stewart

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2012, 01:36:47 PM »
I also thought you had to stay at the resort to play No. 2 unless you have some other connections, but if you call the day you want to play and they have open tee times you can get on. I think it is in the $400 range that way.

I echo the sentiments of most here. Dormie and Tobacco Road are musts. If price isn't an issue play Mid-Pines/Pine Needles over Southern Pines, but the courses really aren't that far apart. So No. 2, Dormie, TR and some combination of the others.

Cory Lewis

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2012, 02:49:30 PM »
I can't really add anything new except to say that I have caddied for a good many people who do the Tobacco Road, Dormie, #2 itinerary, usually playing 36 at each.  That's one heck of a good weekend if you ask me!
Instagram: @2000golfcourses

Doug Ralston

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2012, 03:19:21 PM »

I truly hope you try Tobacco Road. Your disdain for ER may or may not extend to a course like this. It calls for a lot of 'heroic' shots, but it not the ball swallower that ER is. It is extreme golf at it's most amusing. That was it's clear intent. I think we might actually find some agreement on this one. And if not, I doubt you will regret the decision to try it.

Where is everybody? Where is Tommy N? Where is John K? Where is Jay F? What has happened here? Has my absence caused this chaos? I'm sorry. All my rowdy friends have settled down ......... somewhere else!

Brian Joines

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2012, 04:21:25 PM »
I was down there for a work trip last week. Dormie was closed, as mentioned in the previous thread, and I substituted Southern Pines at the last minute. When the guy on the phone said the price was $35/player, I was a little worried. It seemed too cheap for Pinehurst! Fortunately, it turned out to be one of the best values in golf. It's a really fun course that is well-routed over a pretty severe property. The greens were in very nice shape and had some really nice movement on them. Definitely a pleasant surprise.

The greens at #2 were probably rolling at about 8 when we played last Thursday. I don't necessarily need lightning fast greens, especially with the slopes/contouring at #2, but this really took some of the bite out of them. We were getting shots to stop on slopes that would normally take the ball off the green and into a collection area. For what it's worth, it was still great to see Coore and Crenshaw's workand the angles they restored but I didn't feel we got the total #2 experience with the current green speeds. Anyone else played there recently?

Andy Troeger

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2012, 07:38:54 PM »

I'll add another vote for Dormie (assuming open, etc) and Tobacco Road.  I think both of these far exceed their reputation in the magazine polls, with TR probably because some don't care for it.  Your objections to Eagle Ridge shouldn't be too apparent at TR--its very wide and gives you room to play most of the time. Misses are penalized, but its not a course that eats balls. Pine Needles is nice as well. I don't think I'd suggest Tot Hill Farm to you, given your take on Eagle Ridge, but its an interesting place. I haven't seen a lot of the other options.

Regarding #2, its a place that architectural enthusiasts should see. I'm not willing to say its a value at $400, but if you're going to pay that kind of money for a round of golf you could certainly do worse. I think Dormie is the "best" course in the area, then #2, then TR. But I had more fun at TR than either of the other two.

Matt MacIver

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2012, 07:53:43 PM »
Re #2 access, just give them a call but I think you can only make advanced tee times if you stay on the property, otherwise you can only call one day in advance.

#2 and Mid-Pines would make a great day, followed by Dormie and T-Road.


Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2012, 09:24:27 PM »
The two must plays are #2 and Pine Needles.I would skip a round to spend half a day chipping and putting and just hanging around the clubhouse at the resort.And you can take a push cart at Pine Needles.

Nigel Islam

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2012, 09:44:47 PM »
I would think #2 would be a must play if you have not played it before. The resort is nothing extraordinary, but still a pretty cool old building. The breakfast in the morning however is phenomenal! Possibly the best breakfasts I have ever had.

Jason Thurman

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2012, 10:11:46 PM »
Thanks to all who have responded. It's great advice and it sounds like we can't really go wrong.

My opposition to staying at the resort was due to my assumptions about cost based on other golf resorts I'm familiar with. Pinehurst actually seems quite reasonable and with the deals they're running I think a night there will be well worth it. Probably the first night in town, as that'll give us a chance to spend some time exploring the place and maybe messing around on the practice greens like Mike suggested.

Andy/Doug, it's good to hear from both of you. I do think Eagle Ridge is a one-off for me. I like plenty of extreme courses and that's really the only course I've ever despised. I think you're right about Tobacco Road being a must-play.

So it's down to a fourth course (#2, Dormie, and Tobacco Road are pretty much written in ink), and I'm probably leaning toward Pine Needles but will shop around as well.
"There will always be haters. That’s just the way it is. Hating dudes marry hating women and have hating ass kids." - Evan Turner

Some of y'all have never been called out in bold green font and it really shows.


Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2012, 04:07:46 AM »
Pine Needles would be my choice with that grouping and would round out a very good trip.  Personally I think it's somewhat underrated by some here.
Golf is a game. We play it. Somewhere along the way we took the fun out of it and charged a premium to be punished.- - Ron Sirak


Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2012, 08:56:07 AM »

Check out Pine Needles as your 4th. It's really good.

Tom Fagerli

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2012, 07:22:28 PM »
All depends on when you are coming. Right now No 2 is closed. I drove by it today and first few greens top dressed. Also, Pine Needles, which is usually in fantastic shape, started aerifying today and MidPines starts Thurs. Accordingly, you have to give them a few weeks and then they will be fine. If you are coming mid Sept no worries. As stated in other threads, Dormie been GUR and closed for a few days. Greens at No 4 pretty beat up I am told. I play it Thurs so will see. Greens on No 5 pretty beat up and soft and slow, however putts do go in and rest of course in nice shape.
It seems that it rains every day in Sandhills which is bad news for the bent.
No matter where you play you will have a great time. Eat at Ironwood Cafe on Midland Rd, 195 in S Pines. Breakfast at Sizzling Steak or Egg always good.

Chip Gaskins

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2012, 06:32:07 PM »
Always: Pine Needles, Mid Pines, #2, Tobacco Road, Dormie Club, Southern Pines, and always, always stay at the Pine Crest Inn.

Chris Buie

Re: Pinehurst Trip
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2012, 08:45:05 PM »
Those are all fine suggestions but if you are looking for accommodations you may want to consider Ned's Cabin. It's kind of a B&B which is a little difficult to describe...I guess 'unique' would be the word. The amenities are a return to an old world style as is the cuisine. There's even a charming little sand green where you can refine your stroke. It's true the Zagat's chap was less than kind with the ratings but that was most likely due to his poor showing on the courses. I suppose some of the more exacting types would say it could use a bit of upgrading as far as the hygiene goes. And there have been a few objections here and there about having to trundle outside to heed natures call. I seem to recall one or two other concerns which have been voiced over the years but the authenticity is hard to beat. For various reasons the estate has not been entirely greeted with enthusiasm by the golfers spouses - or what they said were their spouses - so it may be more suitable for a guys trip. I'm merely offering Ned's as an option rather than a suggestion. The last fellow that took my advice to stay there wrote me a long, excited letter with a decidedly unpleasant tone - so I don't want to go through that sort of dust up again. It's a matter of personal taste so you may want to consult with a friend who has stayed there regarding its suitability for your visit.
I can't remember which courses they coordinate their packages with.
