I find myself agreeing with Dennis more and more re:Spy.
All these courses, in this very close proximity, chose to have routings that went into and out of the forest. No doubt for variety, as the old Shore course has/had

and is paramount to keeping not only our interest but increasing the challenge of estimating everchanging variables. (fogline wind being most mystycal) Thinking about sacrificeing a routing for the visual of the chapel, smells like a hernia, to me. Up and back to the shore repeatedly will only increase the need for mechanized conveyence, on both Spy and the Shore.
What if the clubhouse at spy was at the bottom of the hill? It wouldnt be spyglass hill. Which already came with it's own lore.
What if RTJ hadn't cut and burned on site? Would the drainage be better? What if RTJ didn't practically beg for the commision or spent twice as much (600K in 66')?
Pat and all who wonder about Spanish, I can tell you what probably would've happened if the hotel was moved. It wouldn't have been the success it is, and the likelyhood of there being no course would also be increased. But maybe, knowing your ops about the place, it's just inherent in your nature.
WHAT IF, man's constant desire to "out-do" never entered into the minds of the collective architecture?