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Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2012, 10:02:41 AM »
I took another look at the old aerial and compared the Google Earth and I now agree with Frank.  You can compare how the old and new greens lines up with that heather hummock and it does look like a 10-15 yard shift to the right-with some degree of overlap of the old and new greens.
can't get to heaven with a three chord song


Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2012, 10:40:14 AM »
A delight to see. Thanks for the interesting photos and for the aerials etc. I really have enjoyed playing Dutch courses in yearsgone by. Just ad Hilversum to the list of potential BUDA courses.

David Davis

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2012, 01:09:21 PM »
Mark, thanks! Incidentally I just made photos of the Hilversumsche on Thursday. Unfortunately, the same kind of photos as I posted this after. The course is nice and a classic course but not one of my favorites. Maybe I will post my picks in the next week.

I think there is more to debate about De Pan.
Sharing the greatest experiences in golf.

IG: @top100golftraveler

Frank Pont

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2012, 02:43:50 PM »
I would add Eindhovensche over Hilversum for BUDA, no contest.

David Davis

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2012, 04:19:15 PM »
Sharing the greatest experiences in golf.

IG: @top100golftraveler

Tony Ristola

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #30 on: August 18, 2012, 04:54:51 PM »
Mike, That's a great Mac O'Grady story.

I've been to De Pan twice, the last time this past December on a glorious winter day while visiting Frank. I was surprised to read the property is only 125 acres; it seems much larger than that, and the course does not feel narrow in the least.


Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2012, 04:56:23 AM »

Thanks for the excellent tour.  I am very impressed and especially like mounding scattered about everywhere.  It seems hard to believe Colt designed the course with the intent of trees covering the mounding, but from the older pix shown (don't know how old?), maybe this is the case.  I sure think the course would greatly benefit from pushing the trees back so the full glory of the mounds could be realized, but it seems I am in the minority.  Any thoughts - anybody?

New plays planned for 2025: Craigielaw, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Mark Pearce

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #32 on: August 21, 2012, 05:08:33 AM »
If you're in the minority, Sean, then you're in it with me.  Seems to me this course would look really magnificent with the tree corridors widened.
In July I will be riding two stages of this year's Tour de France route for charity, including Mont Ventoux for the William Wates Memorial Trust ( which supports underprivileged young people.

David Davis

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #33 on: August 22, 2012, 06:31:26 PM »

I know they have been actively clearing it out a bit. I have to say I read that Colt designed the course between 1927 and 1931 so you can bet that the trees existing now were a non factor for the most part. Sure there are some old ones that would of been there but 80-90 years allows for a lot of growth.

I really do however, thing the course is excellent. Don't forget my lack of expertise in photography mades the course look a bit narrower. I think it's a fair test.

Last week we had the National Open, best pros and amateurs in The Netherlands there. Scoring was not great and conditions were perfect. 9 guys out of 54 that made the cut played under par for the 4 rounds. -11 won, -10, -8, 2x -2 and 4x -1.

This would indicate the course is harder than it's been given credit for in The Netherlands.

Anyone handy with a chainsaw? I know another course you can work on as well, but you didn't hear it from me.
Sharing the greatest experiences in golf.

IG: @top100golftraveler


Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2012, 06:19:19 AM »

Cheers.  It would be interesting to see some old pix.  One thing I have learned about Colt is that he can often be unpredictable with his designs.  He seems to have just enough outside the Colt box to keep courses fresh. 

How are the greens?  The setting strikes me as one where he could have thrown in a few zingers to surprise the unsuspecting.

New plays planned for 2025: Craigielaw, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Josh Tarble

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2012, 08:45:58 AM »
I thought the tour was very well done.  Just like anything else, photography takes practice.

This is OT but I think that clubhouse is really cool.  Looks like it fits perfectly with the surroundings and the course.

Michael Whitaker

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2013, 06:27:03 PM »
If you're in the minority, Sean, then you're in it with me.  Seems to me this course would look really magnificent with the tree corridors widened.

Mark & Sean - This was my thought as well... clear out a few thousand trees and this would be a truly amazing site.

I'm hoping to visit De Pan on my Buda Tour with Wardo this summer. After seeing these photos I am even more excited about our trip!
"Solving the paradox of proportionality is the heart of golf architecture."  - Tom Doak (11/20/05)

Jim Eder

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #37 on: January 23, 2013, 11:42:14 AM »

Thank you for the wonderful tour. For me, it definitely encourages a trip to The Netherlands. The course looks wonderful. I personally love the trees, the need to drive it accurately with the threat of penalty for the missed shot. The bunkering, greensites, etc look very appealing to me. Thanks for adding a must see destination, just an easy Delta flight away.

David Davis

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2013, 09:23:13 AM »
Thanks guys, I think once you see the course you won't think it's as tight as it looks in the photos, maybe I'm wrong. It's all what you are use to. It's certainly not Sahalee or even close. There are some places where they may benefit from some tree removal I'm sure. Plus I'm not apposed to removing them all, I know the course would be great then too.

Hopefully you will get to play when you are in The Netherlands and tell me what you think over a beer.
Sharing the greatest experiences in golf.

IG: @top100golftraveler

Marty Bonnar

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2013, 05:05:27 PM »
Loving the pics and tour, David.
Also love the fact the cool dutch just name their courses after the town, just like us canny Scots!
Can you tell me what the 'se' or 'sche' mean after the town name? Of? Near?
The White River runs dark through the heart of the Town,
Washed the people coal-black from the hole in the ground.

David Davis

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2013, 10:58:48 AM »

Thanks. That's a really good question. I'm guessing it's indicating that the course belongs to the city. Like saying, it's Aberdeen's course. Even though it doesn't really belong to it.


Sharing the greatest experiences in golf.

IG: @top100golftraveler

Dave McCollum

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2013, 12:43:43 PM »
Completely off topic:

Those photographs of the individual holes that Frank posted are very curious.  They appear to have been taken from treetop level which leaves me wondering how the photographer got there.  Pretty low for a flyover.  Too open and unobstructed for a tree climber.  My guess is that they are crane shots given the golfers are so well positioned.  It also occurs to me that they could have been done by balloon or helicopter.  Were mobile cranes and cherry pickers common in those days (no idea when they were taken)?  If they were for KLM, the chopper expense makes more sense.

This brings up a question I always wanted to ask golf photographers:  do you prefer this POV that shows the entire hole, no matter the terraine, or one from the golfer's level?  I know it depends, but when estimating a shoot, do you budget for a cherry picker or chopper?   

BTW, and even more off topic, we did a photo shoot once where we used an old piston engine chopper as a prop.  You know those old Plexiglas bubble cockpits with the erector set tail section to the tail rotor.  The location was Monument Valley in the spring.  The wind was howling and we were having a hell of a time getting the chopper positioned for the shot because just as the pilot would get close, he’d bail out.  During a break I asked the pilot to take me up so that I could shoot a few aerials.  I lasted about five minutes in that death trap, the aerial equivalent of white water rafting, tumbling and dropping in those swirling air rapids.  Talk about a vomit comet.  Into the wind the top ground speed was about 20 mph.  Not a fun camera platform.

David Davis

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #42 on: May 17, 2017, 01:04:22 PM »
Hi everyone,

Can't believe I posted this thread 5 years ago. I wanted to give a bump and update this as I just now found this great video tour. If you compare the photos in this thread with the video tour you can see the amazing work they have done at Utrechtse de Pan to bring back the width etc in this course in this 5 years time. They now set up the course firm and fast and it's just a wonderful walk on the a small and very dynamic piece of land. Mr. Colt would be very proud.

To me De Pan has become #1 or at worst #2 in The Netherlands. That's not bad considering Royal Hague has Top 100 World Status.

Back when I organized the BUDA here the course was playing far too lush and far too grown in. All the guys that came would be very pleasantly surprised I believe.

I'm a big Harry Colt fan and this may be my favorite, yes even considering the likes of courses like Sunningdale. I know that's a huge statement.

As hard as it is to tell depth perception and see undulation if you watch this closely you can make out quite a lot.

This should be a must visit for all GCA fans.

Sharing the greatest experiences in golf.

IG: @top100golftraveler

Michael Whitaker

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2017, 04:40:50 PM »
Wow! Thanks for sharing this video. The course looks fantastic... as you say, much wider and "cleaner" than during the Buda. This has really inspired me to make a return trip!

As for the video... what's with the 70's porno movie sound track? The Dutch have an interesting conception of what's "cool."
"Solving the paradox of proportionality is the heart of golf architecture."  - Tom Doak (11/20/05)

ward peyronnin

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #44 on: May 17, 2017, 08:56:43 PM »
I loved DePans even back then. So understated and pure and fantastic; lunch and wine on the terrace. No rushing or expectations and a great club aura. Good subtleties and rolls and character; typical Colt making use of any recognizable feature however subdued to create unique looks and challenges .

I am certain that I would love to re-experience; I am not certain; after travelling many miles in his company, how Mr. Whittaker knows waht a 1970 porno soundtrack sounds like?

"Golf is happiness. It's intoxication w/o the hangover; stimulation w/o the pills. It's price is high yet its rewards are richer. Some say its a boys pastime but it builds men. It cleanses the mind/rejuvenates the body. It is these things and many more for those of us who truly love it." M.Norman

Tyler Kearns

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #45 on: May 17, 2017, 10:51:35 PM »
De Pan is a wonderful course, not to be missed while golfing in the Netherlands.  I see from the video that they have rebuilt the 7th green and green side bunker since my visit in May 2014.


Keith Phillips

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #46 on: May 18, 2017, 08:15:42 AM »
Gorgeous - I love the rumpled fairways.  Having said that, if that's the 'wide version' after tree removal, I could never have finished the course when it was tighter!

John Mayhugh

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #47 on: May 18, 2017, 10:44:25 AM »
I just now found this great video tour. If you compare the photos in this thread with the video tour you can see the amazing work they have done at Utrechtse de Pan to bring back the width etc in this course in this 5 years time. They now set up the course firm and fast and it's just a wonderful walk on the a small and very dynamic piece of land. Mr. Colt would be very proud.

Course is looking great.

I think Frank Pont should get much of the credit for the improvements?

David Davis

Re: Harry Colt's Utrechtse Golf Club 'De Pan' - Photo Tour
« Reply #48 on: May 18, 2017, 01:57:02 PM »
Gorgeous - I love the rumpled fairways.  Having said that, if that's the 'wide version' after tree removal, I could never have finished the course when it was tighter!


I actually commented on that earlier when I posted the tour. Photos make things look far more narrow than they actually are. I'm not saying this course didn't need to lose a ton of trees before or that it still doesn't  but it's extremely playable. You'd do fine and I don't even care what your hcp is.
Sharing the greatest experiences in golf.

IG: @top100golftraveler
