Thy are not baseless, read what Ian said, he met with the my source said.
Now enough. I'm pissed at myself for making the comment in the first place because I should have known I was dealing with people who can't let anything go. They took my comment made in passing, blew it way out of proportion, and had to play gotchya for needless reasons known only to them... Now the entire thread is thread jacked and what should be between Ian and the Y is discussed when perhaps it shouldn't be...but I won't take all the blame - some people, like you are so heavily invested in my failure that you can't stop hectoring or spinning the discussion to promote your own vanity.
Ian, I'm glad you're here, but I'm sorry it took a stupid, juvenile argument over BS to get you here.
I'll say something else...Ron, Ed, Tim if you even once took the time to pick up the phone and talk to me or play golf with me, or have a meal with me in NYC, we might find some common ground and see that the differences between us are nowhere near as great as you (or others) think they are.
Now can we please get back to discussing architecture?
Rant over, as you were