Even before the Olympics, when I hear "East End", I think London. And I'm a parochial midwestern schmoe.
Reminds me of years ago I was in NY visiting an actor friend and hanging out with her friends. On of my favourites was this guy from Chicago - good guy. And, since my favourite musician and my favourite playwright also came from Chicago, I say to him: "You Chicago people are the best". And he says, "There's a theory about that. Anyone who ever immigrated from overseas to America must have had courage and moxie. Amongst those, the ones who had the least courage and moxie arrived in New York and stayed there. The ones who had more courage and moxie kept coming west, to Chicago. The ones who were nuts went on to California. So, you have cowards in New York and nutbars in California, and the best people right in Chicago". Keep keeping it schmoe-y, Shivas!!
P.S. - Bob: there's a movie script there, the parochial southern redneck at Harvard.
PSS - I knew what Pat was asking about right away; but my insight was useless, as I am not among the 120 people in the world in a position to compare and contrast the LI courses from personal experience. Ironic, no?