"Fresh eyes". I like that. No preconceptions, no confirmation bias. Allow the data sans spin to tell the story. Excellent interview.
Unlike some archies, other than being challenging, but playable and usually attractive, Tillie's work doesn't betray a strong preference for a style. His courses in Texas are not particularly strong in comparison to those in NY or at SFGC, but I always enjoy playing them.
We have a tendency here to criticize modern architects we don't like for their seeming inability to get everything done right the first time. Tillie, Ross, MacKenzie, and other favored designers tinkered with some of their best courses for years, perhaps with that having something to do with why we love their course so much, and maybe giving hope that 25-50 years from now, we may not be so negative about Fazio, Nicklaus, Jones, et.al.