1. Short term, orders at their Pro Shop help and the logo is pretty good!
2. When I was playing golf in California, I heard somewhere that Herat, Afghanistan where most of my firm's work is located is safer than Tijuana, Mexico. I can't say if that is true but after last week in Colorado, I have a different perspective that violence can be very isolated.
3. I received the following update from Roger who runs the online Pro Shop from America:
As noted on the web site, the course has been scaled down to five holes to accommodate a roads project. I have had good reports from players, the last from some Americans who played in June. HOWEVER - there was a very vicious and deadly attack on Qargha, the community where the golf course is located:
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/23/world/asia/26-die-as-afghan-forces-fight-taliban-at-hotel.html?_r=1&pagewanted=allI lived on the grounds of the hotel that was attacked during my last trip to AF.
The golf course was designed and built by the family of the last King of Afghaniastan along with some expat golfers in the early 1960's. Sorry - no big golf names to add interest to the story - but then its interesting enough on its own don't you think? I have enclosed, along with your hats, a project manual which I produced following my first trip to Afghanistan. This manual contains the original goals - placing special attention on the concept of collateral benefit. The war has put Abdul and the caddies in the unfortunate position of having survival as a main goal today.