This past weekend while playing at my home course with the current Green Committee Chairman, we got to talking about the hill on the 6th hole which was discussed last week in a thread (,52713.0.html). He mentioned that the blind second shot is scheduled to be altered next year so that the pin on the green will be made visible on the second shot. When I told him I enjoyed the unique challenge of the blind second shot he asked me to "name great golf holes where you have no target or anything to aim at."
Here is the second shot in question:
Later in the round, we got to another blind shot, this time a downhill approach. When I asked if he would vote to take down this hill he told me he "would
never take this hill down" and that he has an "entire skyline to aim at."
Here is the second blind shot in question:
What defines a "target"...meaning are there different levels of blind shots (of "blindness")? Is one shot more fair than the other because there is a skyline or something behind the green , or shot, that the player can aim at and give themselves an object to use for depth perception? Or is there no difference, if you can't see the pin (or green) it's blind all the same? What are other examples of great holes with "no target?"