I'm with you, you're very tackfully saying that Donald was lying when he said he wouldn't develop further unless the wind turbine project was scrapped. Yes, it is a game of bluff and a not unknown business tactic, however you only get away with it once hence Wee Eck calling him out on the wind turbine issue.
I don't look at it as lying, I look at it as trying to mislead the opposition.
Business negotiations are inherently filled with opposing sides misrepresenting or concealing their ultimate position.
Just look at the disgrace going on in Washington these days where all sides and all parties are bluffing, lying, misrepresenting and concealing their ultimate positions.
Why single Trump out, if not for his persona ?
That's his style.
To those not familiar with it, I can see how you'd be horrified 
I fail to see how you continue to constantly and immediately defend the man.
Misrepresenting his position (actually that IS lying), pointing out the "disgrace in Washington", and stating that it's less horrifying if "you're familiar with it".....
are the best you can come up with?
Your arguments grow thinnner.
What's next? Other people have committed worse atrocities so he's ok by comparison?
Did you read the recent article yesterday with the choice multiple quotes/tweets from Trump describing his uncoopertive neighbor?
Was he mistweeted?

There are plenty of people successfully conducting business ethically, morally, and considerately of those also occupying the same or nearby space.
and no doubt they occasionally don't extract the last drop of blood out of a negotiation,........ yet somehow they soldier on.
It's such a black eye on golf, in the home of golf, in a sport that doesn't really need any more black eyes.
and yes, I really will be OK if I never play Trump Scotland.