Can you provide concrete documentation supporting each allegation contained in your claim ?
We can investigate whether there's supporting documentation to veryify your claim at a later date.
It is clear you are a trump fan, but surely you are not a birther as well?

If you check out the scottish natural heritage website they mention that they must be informed of any work to be carried out on an sssi. would also seem that they need to provide approval for the work to go ahead.
In the next document it is pretty clear they think the level of impact on the sssi would be high and that without alterations the project should not have gone ahead. the plans for the course were not altered after this consultation then any of the work Jon mentioned would be causing great harm to the environment.
From their own press release
"Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has written to Aberdeenshire Council advising them
that part of the proposed development at Menie would, in its view, seriously damage
an important nature conservation site and sand dune habitats. The extensive
, assessment by SNH details damage to Foveran Links Site of Special Scientific
interest (SSSI)."
So unless you doubt the knowledge and skills of those working at SNH, it is hard to see how any amount of work could "preserve nature" in the design and building of his golf course, no matter how much effort was made.