Dates are set for a reprise of last year's GCA Ballyhack event and the 2nd Annual Saul Shootout for The George Cup (brought to you by MasterCard).
Players from last year will recall that fall aerification takes place in mid-September (which staff rescheduled to accommodate our event). Cottage reservations, maintenance, and other circumstances have conspired to produce dates of October 19-21. Yes, that's the same weekend as the Dixie Cup!
I am posting to ping interest in a Ballyhack event that weekend. Dixie Cuppers are out, obviously, but I'm wondering if there might be enough "other" guys to host an event. Twelve (or more) seems to be a reasonable threshold.
I certainly don't intend to compete with the Dixie Cup and don't think my invitation will cause any problem there; if it seems to, please advise so I can adjust my idea.
Please send me a message (email to is preferred) if you are interested in participating. Details, including cost, will be shared once I receive preliminary replies.