Hi; there was a gentleman who actually asked to meet at a local eatery about a dozen years ago that was trying to compose an Oneida CC club history. I'm sorry I have forgotten his name. Somehow I remember he was a relative of a local business family named Truttmann. As I recall, he had uncovered some letters from the club members or powers that be that were organizing the club that indicated they had Allison up on a site visit from one of his trips where he worked on Milwaukee CC. But, as Phil says about C&Ws attribution, it is listed as Pelchar, a club pro out of Chicago, IIRC. I think he also may have done Turtle Lake GC near Boulder Junction. Not sure however...
Bob Lohmann came to OCC, to redo a par 3, remodel tee boxes, and reposition and restyle some bunkers about '90-91 under superintendent Randy Witt, who worked with Bob on Reedsburg CC, near Baraboo, IIRC. Maybe Jeff was involved there as well.
OCC used to be Oneida Golf and Riding Club, with horse stables that were sparingly used when I first moved here 20 years ago. Soon after, they took down the stables, and upgraded the clubhouse, adding pool, and bocce turf court at one point. I personally have had no contact with the club or any of its members on a social or golf basis. I knew the old super, who moved on. There were more issues recently, with their management - of no particular GCA interest, I'm sure.