Hi Boys,
Not to brag, but this week I am in Malta to visit Royal Malta for some research I am doing on the 63 royal golf courses. I flew in yesterday and it was about the only bit of 'green' I could see from the window of the plane. It is 33 degress here today, and I bet they don't have wall-to-wall fescue!
Michael, to expand on my renaissance comment, my point was.... imagine the range of golf courses in NZ if Kauri Cliffs, Cape K, The Hills, Kinloch, Jack's Point, Gulf Harbour etc had not been built. The shape of the Top 10 in NZ would have a completely different shape. And, it may have meant Millbrook, Wairakei, Titirangi, RWGC may not have felt compelled to instigate significant renovations. That almost entirely wipes out the Top 10.