Mac, I absolutely agree. My challenge is this:
Take away the bag, what do you do to maximize your game, every other modern advantage available?
(No caddy, no cart...see the fine print.)
Why would you? Humans make things to carry things ALL the time. Why not a bag to carry your clubs?
Of course humans event carrying vessels. Entire ancient cultures are defined by their remnants. I'm not arguing we shouldn't have bags. I'm no über-Luddite after all.
What I'm casting around for is how by challenging the ingrained assumptions of golf, we can create different, and possibly more enjoyable experiences of golf. Take a look at every item you have that is part of your golf kit, and ask yourself what would you do differently if you didn't have it, or didn't have contemporary versions of it?
Take tees. Replace with none, or piles of sand.
Limit yourself to as many balls as you can put in your pocket.
Ditch the bag.
Play barefoot, or with slick soled shoes.
Ditch the glove.
Ignore, if you can, on course distance aids.
Jim K. Is correct I have started playing hickories. When I went back to my regular clubs, it really felt like the clubs were dumbed down blunt instruments. I'll defer to his wisdom on the flex issue, but by comparison, my handful of hickories encourage me to play at the ball in many ways, and that's been a positive change in my experience of golf. And short of going that route, I would challenge anyone on here to go pack 4 clubs under your arm and play and see if what your experience of the game is, and is it different or better? Or do as Bob suggests and get into a 3 or 4 club tournament.