I will respond so you do not go crazy. I never read that. The conclusion was so insane that I was scared to read the thought process behind it for fear of going blind (It is the same defense mechanism that instantly changes the channel whenever Rosie O’Donnell or Michael Moore begin to speak).
Andy Levett found the funniest line in the whole thing at the conclusion when he now requalifies the list as the ten most amazing public courses in the world. Now the omission of Pebble Beach is really glaring and the inclusion of Pine Valley makes him even stupider (If possible).
TDS has some nice vistas but is hardly an extremely payable course. Severe trade winds are everywhere. The course has average conditions and many marsh areas to cover. Whistling Straits, Arcadia Bluffs, Bandon Dunes, and Pacific Dunes all blow it away if the qualifications are Public, Playable, and Aesthetically Pleasing. With those as the qualifications, Pacific Dunes might never be matched. Heck, you all have read my opinions on most of Art Hills work but both Bay Harbor and Half Moon Bay Ocean destroy TDS with those as the qualifications.
My guess is that Tom Paul had it right. If the trip involved comps and Heidi Klumm, I could see being talked into having politicking for Art Hills to return to my home course for more of his expert bunker renovation work.