Sorry to start another Merion thread on here when so many seem to be thoroughly worn out with the subject.
However, I think this one is really interested and has never much been discussed on here and probably for a very good reason---eg fundamentally it does not just focus on golf course architecture.
I am speaking of course about what-all else was involved back then in that move to Ardmore that created the great Merion East golf course. Actually there was a whole lot more and without it Merion East as we know it probably never would have happend back then in 1910 and 1911.
And I am speaking of at least one person involved in it all who arguably could be labelled "the REAL Missing Face of Merion."
That would of course be Horatio Gates Lloyd!
When one looks at that MCC move to Ardmore story (MCC actually never left their original club), all-in Lloyd very well may have been the greatest "angel" any significant American golf club ever had!
Forget for a moment all the little details of the original design and construction of Merion East in 1911 and 1912 and who did what and when on that, because without Lloyd it's quite likely it never would have happened at all. When it came to finding the site, negotiating the deal for the site, organizing how the land and the course would be payed for, actually buying the land himself, underwriting a stock subscription for the development company who developed the residential community to the west, how the course was designed and built, how boundary problems could be resolved, and how it would operate financially, Horatio Gates Lloyd was everywhere, on all the committees, on the board, the president of the MCCGA Corporation etc, etc----you name it, he was there and right in the middle of it all.
And here is another item that may interest and amuse you-----had it not been for David Moriarty's 2008 IMO piece "The Missing Faces of Merion" that focused on the faces of Macdonald, Whigam and to some extent HH Barker, the story of Lloyd and Merion may never have resurfaced with Merion GC as well as with multiple members who live to the west of Merion East.* So if David Moriarty is looking for credit and attribution from me or us or Merion GC, this is probably what he ultimately will be credited with---and not his alternative architectural creation story involving Macdonald and Whigam which Merion GC has long included and featured to the extent their records back then show were appropriate.
Lloyd did a remarkable thing for MCC and Merion back then but for some reason his contribution and his story really was lost in the wash and apparently right from the beginning.
When one asks why, the real reason very likely might be because that is the way he wanted it to be!! And if it is true to say that was the way he wanted it to be the next logical question should be, WHY was that the way he wanted it to be?
Ultimately, the answer to that may be one of the most interesting stories ever told by Merion G.C.!
*Reading the 2008 IMO piece "The Missing Faces of Merion" one can see that the author was certainly aware of the roll of Horatio Gates Lloyd but for reasons that include a lack of additional information on him (that would be found later in the archives of MCC) at the time the IMO piece was presented he was apparently not aware of the details and certainly the extent and significance of it.