I thought Tiger tried to hit a shot I have tried myself, and occasionally you will get that result. He wanted to take some momentum off the ball down that steep incline [much steeper, I think, than the TV can show] by bouncing it off the edge of the tall stuff. Unfortunately, it caught the roots full and rebounded backward. I did not think Tiger might throw a club, I thought, after all his misfortunes on previous holes, he might just cry right there! I think I would have.
The old say is "Where much is given, much is expected". Tiger [also Sergio and others] have been 'given' much, and it is hard for us not to expect them to act with certain proscribed mannerisms, like we percieve our ideals. Of course, I think none of them were actually 'given', they worked their butts off, got to some really high level, and it is hard to accept less than great results. Hard for them, hard for us.
A little less judgementalism and a little more open-mindedness would serve us all better. I started this thread because, after being away a while, I came back to find the 'Tiger-Bashing' still going full force. Try a little kindness, if seeing what happened to him yesterday moved you to any emotion other than elation at his misfortunes.