Eugene Country Club was organized in 1899 as a 9 hole golf club south of the Willamette River in the College Hill area of town.
The current site of the club and it’s 18 hole golf course is now just a few hundred yards north of the river.
Chandler Egan designed and built the original 18 holes over a 2 year period from 1923-1925.
Aerial from 1939.

Johnny Miller seen putting out on 18 to earn medalist honors at the 1964 USGA Boys Junior Amateur, which he went on to win and help launch his success in golf.

In 1965, the club commissioned Robert Trent Jones, Sr. to remodel it’s outstanding golf course.
Many golf insiders still consider the remodel/turnaround to be among Jone’s best and most sensitive pieces of work. By turning the greens into tees, and tees into greens, the 18th green became the 1st tee. Water in front of a tee now became water in front of a green, while maintaining the beautiful trees and fairways thereby saving money. The total reversal was completed over 6 months from April to October 1967.
Aerial from 1968

Aerial from 2008



New this year are Family Tees, Level 1 at 150 yards, and Level 2 at 200 yards.

#1…(yardage book images by BestApproach.com)

A straight forward start into a cathedral of trees, evergreen Cedars with a variety of deciduous trees.

A challenging par 3, a 3 is a always good.

A nice drive leaves you with a short iron and a birdie chance.

A par is a good score here as bigger numbers loom. The fairway bunker was recently moved further away from the tee under the guidance of the then architect of record the late John Harbottle (he will be missed).

A beautiful par 3, don’t be short.

Risk reward.

Tiger Woods 4-putted here during the Duck Invitational.

A well shaped drive makes this a birdie hole.

Need two well struck shots here. The old apple orchard on the right and left provides a nice snack.

Best to avoid the large maple tree on the right off the tee.

Nice to shape it left to right and get up the ridge off the tee. Many player’s favorite hole with a classic camouflage water hazard.

A deceptive par 3 where the tightly mown areas short and left can make for a tough par.

A reachable par 5 when you hit a good one down the slope off the tee.

A left to right shot off the tee is best, aim at "Marge", the cedar tree on the left and fade it into the fairway.

A wonderful dogleg left, you must make the corner to have a clear shot at the diagonal green.

A reachable par 5 with a good drive, Spencer Levin 4-putted here to lose the Pacific Coast Amateur.
The 2nd photo below illustrates the fairway undulations present not only on 16, but on the entire course. The old farmland and present course is on a flood plain, where meandering waterways shaped the ground. The old river beds and tributaries of the site traverse the course, with one particular ridge cutting across 13, 16, 17, 11 and 8.

A short par 4 where "Olajuwon", the cedar on the right off the tee, is ready to reject the poorly shaped tee shot.

Jones Sr. framed 2 straight shots with Spencer Butte in the background to finish with a large green with 4 distinct hole areas divided by a large swale.
