A legitimate concern is the actual dates of the aerials; in the case of the 1958 aerial for example there's a discrepancy between the date given the photograph by archivists (1958) and the "apparent" date listed on the plate. "Apparent" because I don't fully understand the nomenclature: it may or may not be a date and if it clearly is a date it may be the date of something other than when the photo was taken.
That caveat aside, dates do appear on almost all the slides and it's reasonable to assume they're the dates the photos were taken. Additionally, because they're printed on the slides themselves those dates must have been entered by people directly involved in the project, at that time. It's reasonable to assume those dates not only represent when the photos were taken, they are highly likely to be accurate.
Lastly, although archivists are human and make mistakes, we should keep in mind these are professionals doing this full-time and likely there was a process geared towards reducing the number of errors.
Anyway here is what appears on the slides:
1958 -- note discrepancy between archivist date of 1958 and on-slide date of 10 DEC 57
1964 -- I don't seem to have kept the original but in the title of the cropped photo I list the date as 2-20-64. I can't recall where I got this date but likely it's the date on the slide.