> Golf Course Architecture

Green Surrounds / Grassing

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Brad Swanson:
At WH the greens are bent, the apron/green surrounds are fescue, and the fairways are bluegrass.

Brad Swanson

Talking stick north has the most beautiful carpet of low cut bermuda I have ever seen. Grant it, my exposure to Bermuda is extremely limited (thank god) but this was special. No rough, and perfection personified. The greens were a type of bermuda that was a darker green than the norm(?). There was only a slight difference in color not really noticeable from ones periphrial vision when approaching or chipping to those greens.

Mike Hendren:

--- Quote ---At WH the greens are bent, the apron/green surrounds are fescue, and the fairways are bluegrass.
--- End quote ---


I suspected there were three grasses at WH, but was not sure.  The question is why?  Maintenance?  Playing characteristics?  Heaven forbid, asethetics?



Brad Swanson:
   I'm guessing that fescue was chosen for the surrounds for both playing characteristics and maybe as a buffer to keep the bluegrass fairways away from the bentgrass greens (a wild guess there :-[).

Brad S.

Pete Lavallee:

I think the green surrounds at Rustic Canyon are great for many reasons. I assure you that at ground level they appear very natural and are reminiscent of the links golf found in the UK; they make the rather average size greens at Rustic appear to be as large as ones at the Old Course. They help make the ground game part of golf here in So. Cal., where the ariel route is the only game in town. It lets golfers of lesser skill compete and keep up, by letting them land 20 yards short of the green and run on. It also lets them use the putter from as far as 20 yards off the green; although putting the ball close enough to actually make the next one is far from guaranteed. Many options are presented greenside, with the L-wedge usually the least desireable; I'll bet Moriarty and Naccarato have invested in one of those "low bounce " models. I really wish more courses would follow their lead as it's a large part of the "fun factor" you hear about so much at RC. In answer to your question the shading comes from the slight difference in mowing height and at ground level is more about texture than aesthetics, with both being bent grass.


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