Besides that, I was struck by the fact MLS teams have fans who follow their team on road trips!
On my honeymoon in late 2010 (and I can't complain broadly about missing golf, because I played five days in 24, including a couple of full-day efforts!) I drove right past Forest Highlands while heading from Sedona to the Grand Canyon.
I would have been able to see a hole or two from the road, it turns out, but I was oblivious until a year later when I was back in the US and lucky enough to meet and play with GCA's own Bill Schulz and a mate of his.
When they mentioned being from Flagstaff, I said I had been near there, but not been to the city itself, while driving from Sedona to the canyon.
They pointed out that I would have driven right past Forest Highlands and -- despite 1. it being a year earlier, and 2. having played some great golf on that trip, I was filthy that I hadn't known it was there, if only to pull off the road and have a quick stickybeak.
Even a year later -- and it's coming on two years now since that missed opportunity -- I wished I had done my due diligence a bit more thoroughly!