Should they be accountable for their practices instead of hiding behind "what we do is private"?
They are a private club and bet that they--as a club--are accountable to their private membership. As a private entity, what else do you want?
If they were truly private, and held no outside events...that would be an entirely different scenario, and I would agree with you. But this is not the case. They clearly benefit from the once-per-year event where they gladly take money from Sponsors, TV folks, and "Patrons" alike to pretend that they are something "more"...which they are clearly not.
To any person who is able to process the words coming out of their mouth and compare them to their actions, there is a big disconnect.
A few examples:
SAY they are private, yet have no trouble
ACTING to open up their course once per year and gladly open their pocketbooks to our money.
SAY others should be a role model, but their
ACTIONS clearly show they don't believe that as they have no female members.
SAY they are good for the game of golf, but their
ACTIONS show they are clearly wasteful with their resources.
They want their cake, and they want to eat it too!