Not familiar with the project you mention, but have no doubt its true. In malaria areas, I doubt they are worried about the finer points of the enviorment.
Hadn't heard of that one. Seems like a lot of folks are getting into this. If Audubon has been critiqued as doing it for the fees, I wonder why the other groups won't get the same treatment.
As to portability, that is one of the major issues with these one size fits all initiatives. One project of mine looked into LEEDS, which is more Land Arch based. It gives points for bike racks. Does providing a bike rack at a golf course really make it more environ sensitive? It would also take a club storage room, or rental clubs, or something to make riding to the course a real alternative. So, there are possible expenditures that really just cost the project money, but are done to get points, and may not really affect the environment.
Does that make these initiatives wrong? No, but portability and broad perspectives and some regional flexibility are necessary to make them more effective.