What is that phrase about a tangled web?

Let's revist the very recent chronology of this thread...
Post 171…from me
I've seen you talk about your upcoming trip to Sand Hills and Ballyneal...but also noted you chose not to visit Dismal.
Post 172…from Scott W.
You have? Link me to it. You're talking garbage.
Post 173…from me
You are on record stating that you expect to encounter said courses in 2012 in the following order...
Prairie Dunes
Sand Hills
Post 175…from Scott W.
As I previously said, your claims re: my travel plans are wide of the mark. Link me to where I said what you are claiming. Put up, or shut up.
Post 177…from Eric S.
C'mon. I'm looking at the post Mac describes right now. I won't link to it because it is against the rules of the site on which you typed it. Moving on.
Post 180…from Scott W.
Eric: Talk me through the bit where I said I wasn't planning to visit Dismal River. I was always keen to see the course, but at the time I posted that I didn't have an invitation. I don't assume automatic access to private clubs. It is a privilege. When I was invited, I began planning to go there should I make it to the area as intended.
Is this putting up Scott?

In the end, you can say what you want...you can try to type posts on here and convince people of things about golf courses and/or people...but the truth is the truth. As much as you and I don't see eye to eye on many things, I am not going to lie about you or about things you say. If I'm wrong, I'll say it If I make a mistake, I'll admit it. It would be great to get the same courtesy in life, but I am a realist and I know this doesn't always happen. But I can roll with the punches, people who know me, know what I'm all about.
Good luck to you in your life.