"They waggle for hours; the stroll rather than walk; the dive into their monstrous bags in search of the right club and then it is the wrong number, but they are not sorry that we have been troubled; their putting is a kind of funereal ping-pong. We could forgive them all these tricks, from which we ourselves are conspicuously free, if it were not for the absurd punctilio with which they observe the rules. They will insist on waiting on the people in front of them when it must be palpable even to their intellects that the best shot the ever hit in their lives would be fifty yards short." Bernard Darwin in the essay "The People in Front".
This comes from someone who extolls the virtues of TOC as a place where you can count on playing an unhurried four-ball match in three hours. I suspect that if he played now at a time when an unhurried four-ball match is expected to take 4 and a half hours, he might have given up golf and never been inducted into the golf hall of fame.