I'd like to direct everyone's attention to the title of the thread. For guys like Chris D., Mark S., George P. and others who were not emotionally scarred as youth, I imagine you already did. I'm going to break it down from the "But" on.
We ==> Those interested in golf course architecture;
May==> a modal or auxiliary verb indicating possibility, not probability nor certainty;
Have==> a verb, indicating possession, unless one is foolish or blind enough to abandon/release the thing possessed;
A==> indefinite article, suggesting the impending approach of a noun;
Convert==> the anticipated noun, one who once had a set of beliefs but no longer does.
I'm glad that the jumpers on this forum, the ones who were converted to ODG GCA by a lightning strike on the road to Damascus, betrayed their true feelings. Although they stopped short of vulgar language and direct insult, civility was certainly lacking.
The Mouth That Roars (not me, I assure you, I use a different pseudonym) is a man and can handle the criticism. Have at his points, leave him some functional criticism that he can use to learn more about the variety of gca that exists out there.
I don't believe that he'll be struck by a bolt, as so many on this site were, converted on the spot, made instantly aware of the way, truth and light of the sacred architectural text. I imagine that his conversion will take place over time, as has mine...slow learners, huh?