Is it me or does this project seem like a cluster.........
Welcome to South America....kilombo is the Spanish word you are looking for, you learn to accept it, live with it and try to turn into something positive like, oh well, never a dull moment. Combine this day to day living style with Olympic politics and it´s par fore the course! I can promise you this, you ain´t seen nothing yet and who ever wins, if they want to recuperate there $20,000 to $100,000 present investment, they can get that back and more, by writting a book when its all over! I wonder if the problem is politics Vs reasonable budget or they just want to send a messaje to the losing seven, that losing is a blessing in disguise!
I remember several years back a Chilean client that lived a couple of years in the US asking me how I was able to adapt to Chile. I asked him in what sence? He said, well in the US you buy a table on a Friday afternoon and they say they will deliver it at 12 on Saturday and at 12 it arrives, but not in Chile! Oh, I said that, Well I also lived in Brazil and Argentina. In Chile the table comes at 4 under those circumstances and I don´t expect it before that time. In Argentina it comes the following Saturday and the delivery person is well trained and insist that they never promised it the Saturday before and I am mistaking and lying. They take a very strong; the best defense is a strong offense and become very offensive! You give up and take your table! In Brazil, it comes two weeks later and its not even the table you ordered and paid for. The delievery guy says, don´t make a big deal out of nothing, this is what they sent, its wood,´it has four legs, I really don´t see what the problem is and what your upset about! Then he says, you got any cold beer, lets try out your new table!