You assume there is land cost (and there is) but if Dormie develops the facility it is a wash. If Dormie doesn't develop the facility, the land would be conveyed for a dollar the the entitiy taking the risk of development (therefore no land cost).
So, you just knocked off a million dollars. Assume you develop the facility for 2 million. How much is maintenance? Say 400k. (easily) Operations is another 300k. Now, you only have to generate 800k to 900k to make a nice return.
If the 4 best teaching professionals in the world visited 2 times a year each for a two day personal lesson (750 dollars), and you had demo days from the top 5 equipment suppliers 1 time per year you could host as many as 1,000 idividuals for specific events. There is 750k. Then your 20 dollar per round would only have to generate 10,000 rounds to make it to 950k.
Even without Dormie it makes sense that this thing could be profittable given those assumptions.
Now, would I be confident about doing this in Iowa? No. But Pinehurst seems to be a better risk especially if you factor in the "being different and fun" factor.
Just my opinon.