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Chris DeNigris

From a purely dispassionate viewpoint- how much of an affect on the "status" of the Open- from a World perspective- would there be if the rota consisted of TOC, Turnberry, Troon, Muirfield, Carnoustie, Castle Stuart and Kingsbarns? With maybe a Dublin course eventually thrown in the mix down the road (maybe on an alternating basis with Cruden Bay :))

Would the absence of the English courses really have any discernable affect on the stature of the Open Championship? From just a golf tournament perspective.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 08:27:42 AM by Chris DeNigris »

Niall C


I was a bit hazy about the process/Committee's etc but I do think the biggest danger is Blatter and his cronies. I'm sure there are a number of smaller nations stoked up by Blatter who are asking why the Home Nations all have a seat at the top table. You will recall that the English FA recently accussed Blatter of taking bribes and were backed up by the Scottish FA. Blatter got away with it but I'm sure he won't let that go by unanswered. The real danger is that the home nations lose their seperate identities, and as I say thats less of a problem for England who would simply consume all the others.

As an aside, I was reading Peter McEvoys book over Christmas which was quite an entertaining read. What struck me however was his English bias when a Walker Cup selector. Some of the English guys went on to stellar careers, Casey and Donald especially but I wonder how much of a helping hand they got by being picked for the Walker Cup. You may think my reasoning fanciful in the case of Donald/Casey who were doing great things in College golf in the US but I wonder how many other players in Scotland, Wales and NI careers came to a stuttering halt by not getting picked. Just a thought.


Absolutely right, there onto a winner with links golf and they know it. Indeed the biggest danger for the Open might be other pro tournaments played on links. I suspect they might not want to dilute the brand.


Niall C


With respect to Kingsbarns and Castle Stuart, I don't think they measure upto a the standards of Open courses. In the long term that would have more of an impact on the Open than the los of the English courses although it shouldn't be underestimated how some of those english courses bring in more money than for instance a Turnberry would.

As for Cruden Bay, it would be a non starter for a whole host of reasons.


Ian Andrew

[I had always assumed that Royal Montreal had official sanction to call itself that.  No?

It has just like Royal Ottawa, Royal Regina (very recently) and Royal Colwood. There may be others, but there's are all official.

The Ontario Kaneff courses are not official nor is the course beside Toronto Airport.

Matthew Hunt

(please note to those who think Portrush is in Ireland, it isnt)

Josh, it is. Thought it' is part in Northern Ireland, not the other part of Ireland, The Republic of Ireland. Northern Irish people are dual British-Irish Citizens. Try this:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2012, 10:42:59 AM by Matthew Hunt »

Anthony Butler

Film of a couple of blokes on their way to the latest Scottish Independence meeting...

Mark Bourgeois

An old friend on the competition committee says under one contingency scheme -- there are several: some completed, some in the works, none agreed -- the Open (and *all* R&A-administered championships) at least temporarily would be 'purged' (his word selection) of all things Caledonian, in order to ensure the event's / events' depoliticisation. As an example of the scheme's contents -- and just how far along the planning is -- he said Michael Parkinson has agreed to stand in Ivor Robson's stead as official starter. An expanded rota would be necessary for logistical purposes and for the Open the additions of Portrush and RCP have been mooted, sotto voce internally and not at all to the clubs, at least not in the context of the contingency schemes, which, it must be written, would subject the clubs to accusations of 'profiteering' or at the very least of grasping.

All of this expressed to me to convey deeply serious concerns the R&A has to not get 'entangled' in the whole thing. Having been bruised on I&B, they fear further assault to their legitimacy might provide their death knell.

Has anyone else heard similar things? To be honest, I'm not sure what or who -- even old friends -- to believe when such ideas as those above are so fantastical, utterly.


I think the truth of the matter is there is more support in England and Wales for Scottish independence than in Scotland.  I lot of people are cheesed off about Scots (and Welsh) MPs and that Euros can go to Scottish universities for free yet those students from England Wales and N Ireland must pay. 

I don't have a clue as to the economics of the situation and I don't think anyone else does either; the two "economies" are impossible to separate.  In any case, the move for independence must ultimately be based in a cultural distinction argument rather than economic because I think is impossible to make a sound economic argument for independence.  I would also say that independence is a two way agreement.  If Scotland wants to go it alone it will need to hammer out a "financial" deal with Westminster that is acceptable or none of the parties would ever dream of signing off on independence.  It will be a tough road,  but I can see the possibility of a Hong Kong in reverse happening with Scotland where more and more independence is given over time, but crucially, I don't expect Scotland to want total independence for a very long time if ever. 

What effect does all this on the Open?  IMO, none.

New plays planned for 2025: Wentworth Edinburgh, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Colin Macqueen


The funniest You-Tube clip I have ever seen. I first saw it about 2 years ago and was helpless with laughter. Each time I review it the scenario is the same....weak with laughter and tears rolling down my cheeks. I have only just finished wiping away the most recent flood. I have tried to analyse why I have such an hysterical response to this clip and can only deduce that it is because I have had a similar experience some years ago here in Oz.

Two years ago I tried to send in my tax return (very simple and straightforward return I assure you) by phone using the super-duper voice recognition technology that the Tax Department had set up. Five minutes in I was still enunciating my address and each and every question was having to be repeated ad nauseum. I was losing my rag and things were going from bad to worse. Maybe my guttural accent was degenerating as I flared up! Whatever..... I suspect  I was becoming incoherent and had started allowing the odd expletive to fall when out of the blue a request was made by the "telephone person" as to whether or not I required an interpreter! Dear God. I exploded, flung the handset across the kitchen and sent my tax return stuff to H&R Block Tax Consultants. Perfervid? Me? Never looked back!

Yourrrrrrrrrrs, Colin
"Golf, thou art a gentle sprite, I owe thee much"
The Hielander

Mark Chaplin

With Scotland 48th, Wales 49th and Northern Ireland 87th in the FIFA world rankings they need all the help they can get!!

I'd be very surprised if the Open goes to Northern Ireland until there has been 5 years of continuous peace, the R&A has no need to take a punt (no pun intended) on a venue.
Cave Nil Vino

Matthew Hunt

I'd be very surprised if the Open goes to Northern Ireland until there has been 5 years of continuous peace, the R&A has no need to take a punt (no pun intended) on a venue.

There has been 14 years of peace in Northern Ireland. The UN now ranks Belfast as the 2nd safest city in the world after Tokyo, Portrush and Newcastle are way safer again. England is a way more violent and crime-ridden country, the difference is every time there is a murder or riot in Belfast the global news try to fit it in to a situation that no longer exists. There is no 'punt' involved in a venue in Northern Ireland, compared to most English City's, which is the reasons so many people fled here last summer during the English Riots.

Mark Chaplin

I thought there were two bomb explosions in Londonderry on Thursday?

January 2011

14th - Parcel bomb exploded in sorting office Belfast
18th - Bomb explodes in Guildford Square, Londonderry
21st - A bomb was found at Queen's University Officers' Training Corps in Belfast.
25th - Two car bombs found in Belfast
26th - Pipe bomb found in Carnlough

February 2011

8th - A booby trapped bomb was attached to a child's bike in north Belfast.
16th - Pipe bomb found outside a house in Magherafelt, County Londonderry.

March 2011 - Three incidents including a 250lb car bomb found in Londonderry.

April 2011 - A car bomb explodes killing Ronan Kerr, a Catholic member of the PSNI.

May 2011 - Four PSNI members and two schoolchildren escape unharmed when a grenade thrown at them fails to explode in Londonderry.

Matthew I desperately hope there is peace in the North but fear true peace is a long way away.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 03:59:29 AM by Mark Chaplin »
Cave Nil Vino

Melvyn Morrow


Having spent many years in Northing Ireland, in fact boarding at the Royal School Dungannon. I love the place but I see no hope for The Open being held there.

Yes the Troubles have marred the place together with the on-going behind the scenes sectarian violence which in no way is similar to the mindless louts rioting in England. I do not think the R&A would open the doors to upset their little world.

Like the Falklands, Northern Ireland is British, well that is until the people decide otherwise, yet surprising just how many people in this world do not care about the rights of the indigenous people to have their say or opportunity to continuing living their lives in the way they wish. We have seen this with the amount of money pumped in to NI to support Terrorism against the wishes of the majority. We see the invasion and continued threats on the Falklands by the Argentinians who have not had any of their people living on the islands for centuries (excluding the short period of their invasion of the islands). I believe that NI have had more terrorist casualties than occurred at 9/11 but no other country was invaded, which to me seems to say that the world at large did not give two shit’s for the rights of the majority in NI and their wish to remain British – what a hypocritical world we live in.

I see The Open remaining on Mainland Britain unless we see the Union flag again flying over Ireland and that is something I just cannot envisage.

I firmly believe that The R&A need to be completely reformed and brought into first the 20th Century then the 21st, however like a united Ireland under the Union flag this is not going to happen, certainly not in my lifetime. Our golfing  Governing Body that answers to no one is not acceptable, appointments metered out without proper consultation just limits the ability of the organisation making it a glorified Quango (defined as an acronym meaning quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization). Yet even with a fully reformed R&A, The Open will, I believe, always remain on the UK mainland.

Sorry Matthew, but that is how I see it



We dont really see much about the Northern Ireland troubles on the main news anymore, most days there are murders reported on the news but that relates to the UK mainland. I suspect there are more murders in London than Northern Ireland but London has a fairly big track and field event there sometime this year.

Whatever the troubles, the Open would be good to NI whichever sectarian side you want to be, sport and music are great uniters.

I think this years 2012 Irish Open is the tester. If the crowds come out it will go there in 2017 or 2018. Largely 90% it will be a NI crowd anyway. St Andrews has it for 2015 but as far as I know its not definite that Troon has got it in 2016 and Birkdale is next in line.
A combination of whats good for golf and good for turf.
The Players Club, Cumberwell Park, The Kendleshire, Oake Manor, Dainton Park, Forest Hills, Erlestoke, St Cleres.

Matthew Hunt

I thought there were two bomb explosions in Londonderry on Thursday?

January 2011

14th - Parcel bomb exploded in sorting office Belfast
18th - Bomb explodes in Guildford Square, Londonderry
21st - A bomb was found at Queen's University Officers' Training Corps in Belfast.
25th - Two car bombs found in Belfast
26th - Pipe bomb found in Carnlough

February 2011

8th - A booby trapped bomb was attached to a child's bike in north Belfast.
16th - Pipe bomb found outside a house in Magherafelt, County Londonderry.

March 2011 - Three incidents including a 250lb car bomb found in Londonderry.

April 2011 - A car bomb explodes killing Ronan Kerr, a Catholic member of the PSNI.

May 2011 - Four PSNI members and two schoolchildren escape unharmed when a grenade thrown at them fails to explode in Londonderry.

Matthew I desperately hope there is peace in the North but fear true peace is a long way away.

Mark, I am presuming you have not spent that much time in Northern Ireland recently, you should visit before Belfast before the place comes too a bit too touristy like Dublin has got.

The key thing that is difference between now and the 'troubles' is thought there is a few rouge idiots running about, conflict and
sectarianism are just not part of day to life here. The fact is in a few hours I am leaving here for London where i am WAY more likely to victim of Crime or Terrorism. If the biggest Worlds biggest Banks and Law firms are re-locating to Northern Ireland as we have the best educated workforce, the safest streets plus the lowest cost of living and business expenses in the UK, I am sure the R+A have the vision to follow the trend.

Mark Chaplin

Matthew I have spent a lot of time fighting terrorism.
Cave Nil Vino

Scott Stearns

Guys--the Tour went to Flint for years..makes Belfast look like Disneyworld. 

Niall C


I've been to Belfast on several occasions over the last few years and had a great time each and every time. It still doesn't get round the fact that NI has a lot more well motivated terrorist groups than mainland UK. What the R&A have to do is decide if they or the Open would be a likely target (probably ?), weigh up the terrorist capabilities (very real as the last few decades have shown) and decide whether the risk is worth it. At the moment perhaps not.


Mark Chaplin

Scott just over 1500 people died in Belfast as a result of the troubles, that's not including the normal crime and domestic murders. Flint must be pretty rough.

Niall is correct NI is relatively crime free and the majority of people who died during the troubles were military, police, terrorists and members of the state. The odds of the average man or woman in the street coming to grief were very low. But it only takes a couple of determined idiots to ruin something for the future.

Matthew I'm sure big businesses are opening offices in Belfast and with the improved employment opportunities there should be a massive benefit to the whole of the north.
Cave Nil Vino


Maybe the R & A should decide on the merits of Portrush as an Open venue without taking into consideration the political stability of holding a major sporting event. If Portrush gets the tick then the governers of Northern Ireland should be left to decide the safety and the R & A simply ask them, of course that question may already have been asked in yester years and the governers of NI may have answered.
A combination of whats good for golf and good for turf.
The Players Club, Cumberwell Park, The Kendleshire, Oake Manor, Dainton Park, Forest Hills, Erlestoke, St Cleres.
