This is Carmel Ranch in San Diego which was built on a mountainside to satisfy the open space requirement of 500 acres. There were a fdew parks thrown in to help. Just before the course was opened, the developer was somehow (corruption?) able to add 240 houses and a massive appartment unit. Several holes were changed, but the routing pretty much remained. This course was designed by Ron Froem.
This hole was originally the 2nd, but is now the 11th. It is 165 yards. In the middle of the boomerang green is a 3foot spine splitting the green into halves.
This is the 17th which is 328 yards. The lake begins 85 yards short of the green. Because of the sloping, balls seem to collect in a small area where hitting out of a divot is normal. I have no idea how a player who is unable to carry a ball 100 yards out of a divot can play this hole. In addtition, the green is very severe with 3 tiers and a falloff of aboout 20 feet over the back.