I think you have gotten some good comments from some guys that know. What we will never hear on this site is from the silent majority of the supts out there at over 10-12,000 courses in the U.S.
I'll let the supts talk to you about PGR's and fertilizers etc but I would like to give you a few questions to answer re the golf business, where it has been and where it is headed.
Does the manufacturer of the green mower or fairway unit price his product at a loss?
Does the chemical manufacturer or fertilizer producer sell his product for less than his cost of materials?
does the average CCFAD sell his round of golf for less than it cost him to produce it? (excluding any lot sales etc)
What is the revenue of course that sells 30,000 rounds at $30 per round?
What is the revenue of a course that has 40,000 rounds at $25 per round?
Could either of these courses afford a $650,000 maintenance budget?
Could you operate with a $350,000 maintenance budget on the two courses above?
Would you choose to drive a Porsche or a Camry?
Which would you purchase to drive and would it do the job?
If you were the owner of the two courses mentioned above would you keep a $650,000 maintenance budget?
If you could make a good profit operating one of the two courses above would you tell your competition how you did it?
Just food for thought and BTW..the best golf course owners I know were golf supts not golf pros...
![Grin ;D](