I've mentioned this before: a while back I bought a used set of Hogan blades, even though I have no business (skill wise) trying to hit old blades. Besides the romance of it and how pretty they look, I bought them specifically as my game improvement irons -- i.e. as an attempt to force me (and my body/muscles) to develop a more proper swing, one that came more from the inside and that had a good even tempo. And even though I don't play much at all (and practice just about never), I found that the experiment has been working! Over the course of two seasons (maybe 20 rounds), I found that I was staying centred over the ball and swinging within myself and making a full shoulder and hip turn, and swinging in a very controlled pace/tempo -- and was making good contact and getting good distance and consistently drawing the ball just a touch. But the unexpected bonus came just at the end of this past season, when, almost accidentally, that iron/blade swing got transferred to my driver/3 wood, off the tee. I found myself consciously (and repeatedly) swinging at no more than 70-80% of maximum effort/speed -- and almost overnight, literally, I started hitting it straighter....and longer! All I can conclude is that there is what I think I'm doing with my body/swing and then what I'm actually doing, and it must be that while I think I'm swinging like an old man, my club head speed has actually increased, and/or become more efficient. It has been very satisfying.