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Bill Brightly

Re: Plans this winter to keep your golf game in shape??
« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2011, 07:59:39 PM »
Paddle is strictly a winter sport, except for a small handful of nuts who play it in the summer. (The guys I know keep a supply of balls in the fridge so the balls don't bounce too much.)

It is a perfect northen compliment to golf (enough out of you southern guys...) except for the late October/November overlap when our league play starts and I'd rather be playing golf.

I have played in 5 degree weather and been fine. You start with many layers and after 20 minutes you have only a layer or two left. I assume the guys in Minnesota are tough enough to play in sub zero weather, but I might take a pass on that. It is an awesome workout when you get four players of similar ability, I come off the courts dripping in sweat no matter how cold it is outside.

The game was invented by tennis guys in Fox Meadow (NY?) who were looking for something to do in the winter.

Bruce Hardie

Re: Plans this winter to keep your golf game in shape??
« Reply #51 on: December 01, 2011, 06:07:23 PM »
For *next* winter I guess I'll go with the same plan as this winter. Play golf every week or so wearing warm clothes. I never had to work out how to play at less than about 40F. I guess maybe a vest as well would be the answer.

Howard Riefs

Re: Plans this winter to keep your golf game in shape??
« Reply #52 on: December 01, 2011, 06:24:38 PM »

exactly...Cog Hill is open all year....I'll probably be there 1 day this weekend (weather permitting!))

Cog Hill's Eskimo Open is January 8. It was a balmy 20 degrees last year:

"With bright sunny skies, one might think Sunday was a good day for golf. As temperature hovered around 20 degrees with 10- to 15-mile-per hour winds, only would-be Eskimos came to play at Cog Hill — more than 100 of them, dressed in down coats, thick furry hats and toasty gloves."

"Golf combines two favorite American pastimes: Taking long walks and hitting things with a stick."  ~P.J. O'Rourke
