Hey JC, please indulge me on this -- if I were somehow to come into a substantial sum of money, say an amount that might liberate me from the need for full-time employment, and say that wind-fall came in at some point between now and January 1st...my question is: would February 1st be too early to come down to North Carolina (by 'too early' I mean not for some pampered hot-house flower, but for a hardy northern type like me for whom playing in 40 degree F weather, if a windless day, would be just fine) to play golf; and if so, does this time line and plan fit in nicely with your schedule and interest? (And finally, do you have an "in" at a high-end private course there - I'm not sure Pinehurst and Pine Needles and Dormie are the kind of courses I hope to become accustomed to.....)
Please say "yes". I like my fantasies to be grounded in something real!