My proposal to establish the position of Club Historian, in 1997, was approved. Previously, I was dismayed by the lack of a systematic approach to preserving and reporting the history of our club that was established in 1921. In my proposal, I listed several specific functions for the Club Historian. A few years later, feeling good about my accomplishments as the Club Historian, I thought that it was a task that would best be handled by a committee--thus expanding the responsibility, awareness, and knowledge of the club's history. Since then, our History and Archives Committee has been able to established procedures for archiving Board of Governor minutes, club newsletters, etc. In addition, we have created an Archival Storage area where all records and memorabilia of historical value are preserved. Accompanying that accomplishment has been the creation of inventories of all collections, e.g. newspaper accounts, club records, pictures, etc. We continue to concentrate on collecting information on each current year. Regular accounts of our history are important. This season, we created several events celebrating our 90th anniversary.
What we've learned thus far: It is great fun to talk, and record the memories of old-timers. They have rich memories to share. However, it is even more important to search every corner for written documentation of what took place. Those old memories are often unreliable. Invite old memories and former officers to look into their attics for old club documents that they'd liike to have preserved. Encourage long-tenured memories to share--if not donate--old photo albums (but make sure they, or someone can help you identify who is in the pictures.)
If you gather some enthusiastic people around you, it will be great fun, productive, and great for your club.
From my experience, it is important for any club to establish procedures to preserve their past. It will not happen unless there is some official position and policy that makes it happen.