My club, Bemidji Town and County is currently beginning the process of beginning the process of tree removal.
They has a GCA come in an tell them they should remove 100's of tree for all sort of reasons. They want to remove mostly Red Oak, Spruce and a few other undesireables. The cost of the tree removal was going to be prohibitive due to the high number of tree scheduled for removal.
I volunteered my services as a forester and I proposed that they remove all of the trees at one time or as many as possible, instead of removing just a few trees per year. Removing a few trees per year was going to cost the club money each year depending on how many trees where taken.
By removing all of the trees at one time, trees being removed and could be sold as firewood, taken to local timber mills, or chipped up and sold as woody Biomass.
I am currently in the process of appraising the wood and arranging for a local Logger to come in and Pay the club to remove the trees. The work will be done in the winter when the ground is frozen and the logger will have low pressure tires on the equipment. This should minimize any damage done to the turf.
The club should make a few thousand dollars depending on how many trees are removed, instead of having to pay someone to do the same job. The only cost to the club would be to pay in house staff for time it takes for the disposal of the slash (twigs, branches, and junk wood) by chipping or burning.
I think this could work in many places. I believe that a club should consider a large tree removal program and that the there actually might be an incentive to remove more trees at one time.
I also think people would be surprised how much large specimen hardwood trees are worth to the right people.