I have not been using the 1/9 NED data this entire conversation. I have been using the quads. I dug up the 1/9 NED data because, incredibly, the quads aren't good enough for you. Now that you've indicated the 1/9 Arc Second data is probably not good enough for you either, we've got nowhere to go. If I reinvented the USGS wheel and commissioned my own LIDAR aerial survey to get the accuracy down to a few dozen centimeters (possible with LIDAR technology) I sincerely doubt that'd be good enough you either.
But your methodology is flawed. You guys have no FACTUAL basis for proclaiming that old 1913 top to be accurate, especially when all FACTUAL indications are that it is NOT. You are requiring unbelievably accurate information from me to refute it, yet you have ZERO information regarding its accuracy in the first place. It is the Merion debate all over again. There is little or no FACTUAL BASIS for the conventional theories, yet I am required to disprove them to an absolute certainty. This isn't science with you guys, it is religion.
I disagree with you about comparing the data set now with the topo then. Sure we cannot micro compare, but the numbers on the 1913 topo are not even close, and they are off across the board, both on the golf holes and off. The earth hasn't shifted that much.
I feel no antithapy to the site and no antipathy to anyone else currently participating except for Brauer, and he knows damn well the basis and I am more than justified. Had he half a brain he'd stay the hell away from me.
The information comes from National Map Seamless Server. am still navigating my way around the server, and not sure about a few things and trying to figure them out, but I can tell enough from the information that is there that the elevations not that old topo are off across the board, and not by one or two feet.
That said, here is a cross section from which you can derive your answers. Put the tripod high as you think reasonable. It is compiled from 200 readings along that line, using the rasterized 1/9 NED database. Consider it tentative though as I am still trying to resolve a few things.