On May 25, 1915 George A. Crump purchased 45.64 acres from Virginia E. Ireland, a widow, for $1.00 and other valuable considerations. The property in question abuts the northwest boundary of the Lumberton property as outlined in purple in the map below.
Crump still listed Merchantville as his place of residence.
Ireland had been granted the land by deed on April 15, 1896 by Anna L. Sumner. So, now we have an Ireland and a Sumner in the mix, but no George Sumner Ireland, whose name has been mentioned in the debates about Pine Valley purchases. Virginia Ireland was clearly a large landowner in the area. She owned the property across the RR tracks as well as the property northwest of the Lumberton property.
It is curious that Crump purchased it in his own name since Pine Valley had been in existence for a couple of years and he had sold Pine Valley the Lumberton property two years earlier. Perhaps, initially he had some personal interests in developing the land.

On July 7, 1916, after holding the property for a little more than a year, Crump turned around and sold the Ireland 45.64 acre tract to Pine Valley for $9,000. Perhaps there was some monetary or tax benefit to be gained by passing it through Crump. Or, maybe, he changed his mind on whatever plans he had for the property.