Obviously, Dismal CAN be walked, but it was never DESIGNED to be walked.
Your last photo makes my point. Only the truly hard core are going to walk a course where you have to go mountain climbing. I enjoyed playing Dismal, but I would never consider walking it... and, I'm not a pussy went it comes to walking.
I'm not sure that Dismal wasn't designed to be walked. All of the tees and greens are close together, and, in many cases, the cart paths provide tortuous routes to get from one place to the next, whereas walking provides a straight and easy path. The climbs to 17 and 18 (when the tee is up top) are the only difficult green-to-tee treks, but they can be made pretty easily. There are couple mid-hole walks that are tricky (2 and 6 in particular), but nothing that isn't doable. Now that I'm a Dismal member, I'm going to lobby even harder for walking paths to the fairway (c'mon C.J., I know it can be done!

). Regardless, Dismal is not the ideal walking course, but it can be walked. Plus, the second course (I forget the architect), looks to be very walkable.