A gentleman should spend his leisure time in the company of other gentlemen not louts, urchins and vagabonds.
Chappers, that could be one of my favorite lines. "Louts, urchins and vagabonds." Have to admit that many have considered me to be each at one time or another. Sounds like police report I once read about a group of "habitual ne'er do wells" who were congregating in a stairwall at Cabrini Green (a former public housing project in Chicago).
I'm not a club member, in some measure because there isn't one close to my neighborhood. While I have no desire to play most of , or a great majority of, my golf at a single club, I certainly understand one's reasons for doing so -- I like the endless variety of options facing the public golfer here in the Windy City. Given the choice, I'd pick the course that's closer to home, creating greater access, especially if I liked the membership better.